What REAL people are saying.
Jeff from GA:
I’ve been panning off and on since my teenage years but I haven’t really had “gold fever” until this year. I bought my first sluice box(one of the folding xxxx models) a few months ago and I have to say I was underwhelmed with its performance. It took forever to set it up and no matter what the water flow rate it took way too long to clear out the light material and rocks(I think it has to do with the flare and riffle designs, but that’s for another post). I took it to Gold & Gems 3 times because it’s only a 40 minute drive from home and I did find gold, but very little, mainly due to the slow rate at which I had to feed the material. It took me a couple of months but I finally convinced myself that I had made a poor purchasing decision. I’ve been subscribed to the Gold Hog Youtube channel for several months now and I was intrigued by Doc’s vids on the Stream Sluice. I see his guys dumping material by the bucket into the sluice and envy set in lol. I had a couple days off from work last week and I finally made the decision that I was going to buy the Stream Sluice. I took it to Gold & Gems the next day and I couldn’t have been more impressed. This thing is a monster. I set it up with a really fast water flow and ran the material straight from the bucket. I was able to run through 5 times the material that I could do with my xxxxx sluice. I found right at .25 grams ranging from a couple of little pickers all the way down to sub 100 mesh. I classified my material to 1/2″ because I like finding gems almost as much as gold, but it isn’t needed. I tried putting some bigger rocks through the sluice just to test it and they just blow right through. As of now my old sluice is retired, at least until I get some Gold Hog matting for it and make it into a homemade highbanker project.
I’m very happy with the stream sluice. I had it out in a local stream just running some dirt to get a feel for how to setup the sluice and playing with water velocity and sluice angle. Also trying to understand the differences between the two mats.
The more I work with the sluice, the more I’m impressed with the build quality. And man, are the legs just a pleasure when setting up the sluice. Normally, I would stuff around for 15 minutes, changing this rock and then that rock to try and level and angle the stream sluice correctly. Now, it’s 2 minutes and I’m done (angle and then level, recheck angle, done…love it).
Take the sluice out of the water, no problem, 2 minutes and I’m done…
The mats are great as well, I was running a 5 gallon bucket of dirt about in a 5th of the time it took on my old sluice. Granted, this is a bigger sluice, but the way that the mats process the dirt and then run clean is amazing. The miners moss and riffles in the old sluice takes about 3 times as long to process and you have to be careful when feeding it. Now pretty much before I can get the next scoop into the sluice the mats has processed the previous scoop.
Absolutely, awesome…even the low flow mat is great. The amount of cons (pretty much only black sand) is also fantastic.
Overall, I’m very happy. Only problem is I’ll have to wait until Saturday to get to a gold bearing river.
Mark – in Virginia
If there is anyone out there that is looking to buy a stream sluice, I really encourage you to buy this one here because all others compare to this one are like a toy… it is very well built and super heavy duty..I’ve already had it out and found 2.4 grams… Love it and I’ve already retired my other one.. Thanks Gold Hog